
Top Ten Innovations 2011.
1 January 2012
abstract. web site.
Our list of the best and brightest products that 2011 had to offer the life scientist (#7, Mini MRI, and #10, Super-Resolution Solution, authored by Ruth). |
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A beginners guide to brain science. (Brain: The Inside Story, American Museum of Natural History, New York.)
March 2011.
abstract. pdf. web site.
I am in total darkness save for tiny flashes of light that dart back and forth across what appears to be thousands of feet of jumbled electrical wire adorning the walls and ceiling. Walking into the entrance hall of Brain: The Inside Story is like entering a nightclub, except for the family-based clientele. |
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SciArt: collaboration or con? (Debate, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London.)
July 2005.
abstract. pdf.
Since 1997 the Wellcome Trust has awarded funds totalling several hundred thousand pounds to collaborative projects between scientists and artists. But is this money well spent? Is so called SciArt just an attempt by science to gain kudos? Or is there a real benefit from bringing together people with such different perspectives and processes? Panellists and audience members at the Institute of Contemporary Arts' 'Talking Genes' debate on Monday gave their, quite different, answers. |
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